How to stay focused for longer

One of the most important skills when it comes to studying for university finals – or really, anything – is the ability to focus for longer periods of time. Sometimes it can feel quite impossible. However, there are a few tips that can help you stay focused for longer. Here are some that I personally use for my studying:

Take enough breaks

Let’s start with one of the most commonly known studying tips that can’t be stretched enough. Take a sufficient amount of breaks. Don’t try to just push through. Trust me, it doesn’t work. When you plan on studying the entire day, there is no way you will make it through more than one hour before you lose focus. There are different opinions on how to choose the most efficient work-to-break ratio. I personally like the Pomodoro Method. I work for 25 minutes and then I relax for five minutes and repeat. After three to four hours I usually take a one to two-hour break. The five-minute break is perfect to stretch a little, get some water and hit the bathroom, while an hour allows a walk and a bigger meal.

stay focused: Clock

Drink enough water

Dehydration can make you feel lightheaded and even dizzy. Not the perfect precondition to stay focused. You should always have water within reach. I also found that I really enjoy unsweetened tea during a long study or work sessions. However, stay away from sugary or sweetened drinks and too much caffeine. They will cause spikes in your blood sugar which in turn screw up your focus.

Stay focused: Drink water

Snack the right brain fuel

To keep your focus level steady you need to snack the right foods. It can be tempting to only eat junk food and drink diet sodas (guilty as charged) all day and snack entire chocolate bars when you are super frustrated and overwhelmed with your work. I’ve been there, too (and sometimes fall back into that habit), but eating unhealthy will make you feel bloated and that will make it harder to stay focused. An instant way to feel better when you let yourself go is to go and work out for a bit. Good snacks are nuts, dark chocolate, and fruit.

Stay focused: Eat healthy

Study regularly

Practice makes perfect. You already know this, right? Your parents probably told you this all the time. But did you know it also applies to studying? When you don’t study regularly you might not only feel overwhelmed when you start studying for an exam, but you also will not be able to focus for long. To motivate you to study regularly it is best to create a study schedule, so you can be your most efficient.

Stay focused

Block out any distractions to stay focused

This might feel like a no-brainer, but I actually struggle with this one. I don’t enjoy the absolute quiet, so I am always tempted to listen to music or even have a Netflix show on in the background. While some music works fine (especially classical music) when solving problems or doing practice questions, but when I need to read some new information I, for one, need absolute quiet. I recommend investing in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones to block out any noise when you prefer working at a coffee shop. I love the Bose Quiet Comfort 25.

All photos are from Pexels.

Am I missing any important tips? Do you have a question? Feel free to leave a comment below or message me on social media:).

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